
HGST - Hard Drive testing software

CrystalDiskMark is a very common and popular HDD/SSD performance testing tool. If you want to check disk info, SMART attributes or run SMART self-test, you can ...

[PDF] HGST Align Tool

HGST Align Tool is an application, which allows a proper realigning of the partitions on HGST Hard. Disk Drives (HDD) with 4K Sector Partitions. Main features.

HITACHI Drive Feature Tool

ftool_v199.exe. IBM/HITACHI Drive Feature Tool (v1.99, Windows Boot-Diskette Creator): This is a DOS-bootable tool for changing various ATA features.


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關於HGST Feature Tool 問題- 儲存燒錄

一般軟件唔支援raid drive你可以試下hdd sentinel, 支援set raid drive + 支援每次開機後自動set ...KinChungE 發表於2020-12-24 14:48 多謝 ...

關於HGST Feature Tool 問題- 儲存燒錄

本帖最後由1597532468000 於2020-12-23 18:47 編輯 最近留意到隻HGST 500GB C1個數已經玩到20幾萬 我整左隻DOS USB Boot Disk 開左個Feature Tool ...

HGST企業級,WD 威騰,內接碟NAS,電腦組件- momo購物網

$7,990.00 HGST/企業級,監控.紫標,桌上型.藍標,NAS.紅標各式規格種類,與WD 威騰熱門品牌,優惠便宜好價格,值得推薦!

Fw: [心得] 用HGST Feature Tool 改2.5 吋硬碟APM

... 日立硬碟H2IK10003272SA (HGST 1T/7200rpm/32M/SATAIII) 據說會有C1爆增的問題,於是用HGST Feature Tool進行修改HGST Feature Tool自帶擴充記憶體管理

WinDFT (HGST Drive Fitness Test) 0.95

評分 3.7 (105) · 免費 · Windows To sum it up, WinDFT can be of great assistance to all those who want to determine if their HGST drives have errors or if their integrity has been compromised.

Ultrastar 7K6000

... (512n models only). 使用手冊. User Manual: HGST Align Tool. 技術簡介. Technology Brief: Instant Secure Erase Overview · Technology Brief: Advanced Format ...


CrystalDiskMarkisaverycommonandpopularHDD/SSDperformancetestingtool.Ifyouwanttocheckdiskinfo,SMARTattributesorrunSMARTself-test,youcan ...,HGSTAlignToolisanapplication,whichallowsaproperrealigningofthepartitionsonHGSTHard.DiskDrives(HDD)with4KSectorPartitions.Mainfeatures.,ftool_v199.exe.IBM/HITACHIDriveFeatureTool(v1.99,WindowsBoot-DisketteCreator):ThisisaDOS-bootabletoolforchangingvariousATA...
